5 Ways to Stay Happy This Winter

Posted by Kat Stein on 7th Dec 2018

5 Ways to Stay Happy This Winter

Amidst the wonderful holiday season, we encounter fun gatherings with loved ones, chilly nights, cozy fires, and sometimes…the winter blues. That being said, if we are proactive with our bodies, it is possible to avoid those negative feelings and stay happy all winter! We’ve put together our favorite tips on how to keep a positive mindset throughout the season so you can enjoy every single festivity and kiss under the mistletoe.

Drink more water and get more sleep

Sure, we all know a cold remedy or two, but wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to use them? It’s easy to forget to drink enough water in the winter time, since it’s cooler and we aren’t sweaty and hot like in the summer. But it’s just as important to drink enough water all year round! Staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do for your body. Along with that, make sure you get your beauty rest every night! Though you’re beautiful no matter what, if you get enough sleep every night and stay on a regular schedule, your body will feel great and it will make it easier to fight off viruses. After all, aren’t you happiest when you’re happy and well rested?

Realign your sleep schedule

Along with getting enough sleep, lining your schedule up with the daylight can really help improve your mood! Not usually an early bird? See if you can try to get yourself to go to sleep and wake up earlier throughout the winter, that way you have more time to see the sun. Sleeping til noon is great, but not when that leaves you with four hours of daylight every day! Try and step outside each day too, the sunlight can really help improve your mood.

Target key nutrients

We tend to need more iron in the winter, so our blood can be strong to fight off sickness. Legumes, beets, and any leafy greens are wonderful sources of iron! Just remember, any iron you get from plants (vs meat) requires vitamin C to do you any good, so make sure to eat your oranges or take a supplement to help kick start your iron. Enough iron will also help with energy levels, so you will feel less sluggish throughout the day! A lot of people are also vitamin D deficient in the winter time because they don’t spend much time in the sun. Taking a vitamin D supplement may be your best move to combat this – I take one every day and it helps my mood significantly! Last, try to seek out foods high in antioxidants. If you feel a cold coming on, load up on vitamin C and zinc to give your immune system a little boost!


I know that heading to the gym in the dead of winter sounds near impossible. But who said you can’t exercise from home? Walking and running outside on brisk, sunny days can be a fun option, but it is also possible to come up with your own routine you can do from inside your cozy home. There are plenty of cardio and yoga class videos on youtube that are available to the public, so see if you can find one you like and stick to that throughout the winter. Exercise does boost endorphins after all!

Do what you love

Winter is a wonderful time to figure out what makes you happiest. Instead of just sitting in front of the TV every day, try and find some things you can do that make you feel good. Whether it’s snowshoeing, skiing, knitting, playing board games, reading, making art, or anything else, doing something you love to do will not only give you a sense of purpose, it will make you happy to do it!

We hope you are having a lovely, happy holiday season!